Please note: The EU certified modems have limited operation modes, a low power (5mW) full duty cycle mode, and a high power (500mW) low duty cycle mode. The low power mode will significantly reduce the effective range of the system and the low duty cycle mode will significantly reduce data throughput. These conditions are a requirement of the certified modems and CANNOT be altered.
This is the RFD868ux EU on a double sided mini carrier board. It comes with a mini JST connector and 2x u.Fl RF connectors and heat sink.
**It requires the "ux PIXHAWK2 to RFD900 Telemetry Cable" - 150/300mm to interface to your application.
*note these values are correct as of version 3.16 SiK firmware
The software solution is an open source development called "SiK". It has been re implemented to suit the new processor architecture available on the 32bit ARM processor core. A boot loader and interface is available for further development and field upgrade of the modem firmware via the serial port.
Most parameters are configurable via AT commands, Eg. baud rate (air/uart), frequency band, power levels.
Integrated support for configuring the RFD900 radios is supported by APM Planner.
The default settings are at 57600 baud, N, 8, 1, and 200k air data rate.
The RFD868ux EU manual is here: RFD900ux Manual
The RFD868ux EU SiK software manual is here : RFD900x Peer-to-peer Manual
Frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS)
Transparent serial link
Point to Point
Configuration by simple AT commands for local radio, RT commands for remote radio
User configurable serial data rates and air data rates
Error correction routines, Mavlink protocol framing (user selectable)
Mavlink radio status reporting (Local RSSI, Remote RSSI, Local Noise, Remote Noise)
Automatic antenna diversity switching on a packet basis in real time
Automatic duty cycle throttling based on radio temperature to avoid overheating
The RFD868ux-EU is compliant with the following standards: