Please note: The EU certified modems have limited operation modes, a low power (5mW) full duty cycle mode, and a high power (500mW) low duty cycle mode. The low power mode will significantly reduce the effective range of the system and the low duty cycle mode will significantly reduce data throughput. These conditions are a requirement of the certified modems and CANNOT be altered.
This is the ideal solution for long range telemetry or communications. 2 x RFD868x-EU modems with antennas for all antenna ports.
The kit consists of:
2 x RFD868x-EU Radio Modems (6.3)
1 x Antenna, 868-900MHz Quarter wave monopole 2.1dBi (8.3)
1 x Antenna, 868-900MHz Right Angle Quarter wave monopole 2.1dBi (8.2)
4 x Antennas, 868-900MHz Half wave dipole 3dBi (8.4)
1 x FTDI USB cable (8.1)
You get a cheaper price when purchasing a whole kit !